About the Manga
Berserk is a manga series written and illustrated by Kentarou Miura. Miura first premiered Berserk in 1988 with a 48-page prototype, which won a prize at the Comi Manga School where he was enrolled at the time. On 26 November 1990, the first volume of the manga was published by Hakusensha in its Jets Comics collection. Three more volumes were published under the Jets Comics name until Berserk was serialized by Young Animal in 1992, with new episodes being released every second and fourth Friday of the month. Volumes are still published biannually in Japan by Hakusensha (Jets Comics collection), and contain 8-11 episodes depending on the release.
This is a list of all Berserk manga releases. It should be noted that in Berserk, traditional manga chapters are episodes; i.e the ~20 page publications commonly referred to as "chapters" in other manga are called "episodes" in Berserk. Chapters are instead various segments of the story containing a range of episodes. Arcs are in turn comprised of chapters, encompassing large, specific portions of the overall story.
The original publication of episode 113 (the December 1997 issue of Young Animal) also included a 4-page conversation between Kentarou Miura and Susumu Hirasawa regarding the themes of the series.
Episode 83 was intentionally excluded from volume format at the request of Kentarou Miura.[80] It was initially set after episode 82 of volume 13, "God of the Abyss (1)", and was entitled "God of the Abyss (2)".
Black Swordsman Arc | Golden Age Arc | Conviction Arc | Falcon of the Millennium Empire Arc | Fantasia Arc |
Volume 1 | Volume 3 | Lost Children Chapter: Volume 14 | The Holy Evil War Chapter: Volume 22 | Elf Island Chapter: Volume 35 |
Volume 2 | Volume 4 | Lost Children Chapter: Volume 15 | The Holy Evil War Chapter: Volume 23 | Elf Island Chapter: Volume 36 |
Volume 3 | Volume 5 | Lost Children Chapter: Volume 16 | The Holy Evil War Chapter: Volume 24 | Elf Island Chapter: Volume 37 |
Volume 6 | Binding Chain Chapter: Volume 16 | The Holy Evil War Chapter: Volume 25 | Elf Island Chapter: Volume 38 | |
Volume 7 | Binding Chain Chapter: Volume 17 | The Holy Evil War Chapter: Volume 26 | Elf Island Chapter: Volume 39 | |
Volume 8 | Birth Ceremony Chapter: Volume 17 | The Holy Evil War Chapter: Volume 27 | Elf Island Chapter: Volume 40 | |
Volume 9 | Birth Ceremony Chapter: Volume 18 | Falconia Chapter: Volume 27 | ||
Volume 10 | Birth Ceremony Chapter: Volume 19 | Falconia Chapter: Volume 28 | ||
Volume 11 | Birth Ceremony Chapter: Volume 20 | Falconia Chapter: Volume 29 | ||
Volume 12 | Birth Ceremony Chapter: Volume 21 | Falconia Chapter: Volume 30 | ||
Volume 13 | Falconia Chapter: Volume 31 | |||
Volume 14 | Falconia Chapter: Volume 32 | |||
Falconia Chapter: Volume 33 | ||||
Falconia Chapter: Volume 34 | ||||
Falconia Chapter: Volume 35 |
>chapter ends on the moment everyone has been waiting for, for the last 20 years
>switched back to griffith
I feel like an abused wife at this point.